Orders cannot be canceled once shipped. However, you can return the items in accordance with our return policy.
At Ivy Home, we are committed to your satisfaction first and foremost, and we want to help you have the best possible shopping experience! You can exchange or return your purchase from Ivy Home according to the following guidelines:
Orders cannot be canceled once shipped. However, you can return the items in accordance with our return policy.
Even though we do our best to ensure safe delivery of all products, sometimes damages occur while an item is traveling to you.
Ideally, all orders should be open and inspected at the time of delivery. Likewise, almost all orders require signature at delivery.If you are unable to inspect at the time of delivery-please inspect the box it arrives in. If there is any damage to the box or the item, it is vitally important to write 'damaged' on the paperwork the delivery folks will ask you to sign.
Should you discover the item itself is damaged you must notify us within 5 business days. Please email hello@ivyhome.com and include all information indicated below.
All packaging materials must be kept in order to send any damaged items back. Do not dispose of packaging materials until you receive confirmation from us.
After we receive these items, we will work to get you a replacement issued quickly!
If an order arrives damaged/defective/wrong/missing- this MUST be reported in writing to Ivy Home within 5 days of the delivery date.
We know sometimes you need to wait to install certain products. However, it is vitally important to inspect the item at the time of delivery. We cannot replace incorrect, damaged or defective items after 5 days from delivery.
Of course, you have 24 hours to think about any purchase! If you decide to cancel it, just send us an email with your order number. If you want to cancel your order after 24 hours, we charge a 15% restocking fee. Some items do ship within 24 hours. If your item has already shipped we are unable to cancel your order.
All items from Ivy Home are handcrafted from raw materials and thus, come with an acceptable variation in both tone, color, finish and texture. These variations are not grounds for a claim.
Color - We have made every effort to accurately showcase product colors on our site. Unfortunately, it is impossible to control the settings of each individual computer and we cannot guarantee that all colors will appear the same in person as they do on our site. We encourage you to request sample swatches which are available for certain products free of charge!
Looking for a matching set of decorative items or furniture? Order the quantity you need at the same time! We cannot guarantee that product colors will match unless they are ordered together. There are variations between dyelots and paint colors due to the characteristics of the natural materials.
Email: hello@ivyhome.com
Address: 3412 21st Ave N Arlington VA 22207
Phone: 1-877-380-1517